privacy agreement

This statement discloses the privacy practices for CallingPost Communications, Inc.

CallingPost has adopted a set of information management guidelines that serve as the basis for our customer and advertiser relationships. These guidelines have been developed with the recognition that Internet technologies are rapidly evolving, and that underlying business models are still not established. Accordingly, guidelines are subject to change. Any such changes will be posted on this page.

CallingPost Communications Inc. is not responsible for the content or the privacy policies of Web sites to which it may link or be linked to.

What information does gather/track about you?

During our registration process prior to using the site, requires that you supply your name, e-mail address, and phone number. We use this only to set up an account in our database enabling you to take advantage of our unique messaging service.

CallingPost employs cookies to recognize you and your access privileges on our site, as well as to track site usage. Subscribers who do not accept cookies from the domain and cannot access the user application areas of and

IP Addresses
CallingPost also logs IP addresses, or the location of your computer on the Internet, for systems administration and troubleshooting purposes. We do not use IP address logs to track your session or your behavior on our site.

What does do with the information it gathers/tracks?

Statistical Analysis and Banner Advertising
CallingPost may perform statistical analyses of user behavior in order to measure interest in the various areas of our site (for product development purposes) and to inform advertisers as to how many consumers have seen or "clicked" their advertising banners. We also use demographic and preference information to allow advertising banners on our Web site to be targeted, in aggregate, to the readers for whom they are most pertinent. Personal information about you as an individual user will not be provided to any third party without your consent.

Using the e-mail addresses provided at registration, CallingPost will periodically send promotional e-mail to our users about services offered by CallingPost Communications Inc. and its advertisers.

Data Security
To prevent unauthorized access, maintain data accuracy, and ensure the use of information, we have put in place appropriate physical and electronic procedures to protect the information we collect online.